Bug Summary

Warning:line 371, column 10
Excessive padding in 'struct mozilla::MediaFormatReader::DecoderData' (34 padding bytes, where 2 is optimal). Optimal fields order: mOwner, mTrackDemuxer, mTaskQueue, mDecoder, mDecodePerfRecorder, mSeekRequest, mQueuedSamples, mDemuxRequest, mWaitingPromise, mDecodeRequest, mShutdownPromise, mDrainRequest, mOutput, mNumSamplesInput, mNumSamplesOutput, mNumSamplesOutputTotal, mNumSamplesSkippedTotal, mSizeOfQueue, mOriginalInfo, mWorkingInfo, mInfo, mDescription, mProcessName, mCodecName, mWaitingForDataStartTime, mMeanRate, mFirstFrameTime, mLastTimeRangesEnd, mFirstDemuxedSampleTime, mError, mMutex, mLastDecodedSampleTime, mTimeThreshold, mTimeRanges, mDrainState, mNumOfConsecutiveDecodingError, mMaxConsecutiveDecodingError, mNumOfConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes, mMaxConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes, mNumOfConsecutiveUtilityCrashes, mMaxConsecutiveUtilityCrashes, mIsHardwareAccelerated, mLastStreamSourceID, mNextStreamSourceID, mType, mUpdateScheduled, mDemuxEOS, mWaitingForKey, mReceivedNewData, mFlushing, mFlushed, mIsNullDecode, mHardwareDecodingDisabled, mHasReportedVideoHardwareSupportTelemtry, consider reordering the fields or adding explicit padding members

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-pc-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name Unified_cpp_dom_html4.cpp -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -analyzer-config-compatibility-mode=true -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -fhalf-no-semantic-interposition -mframe-pointer=all -relaxed-aliasing -ffp-contract=off -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dom/html -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dom/html -resource-dir /usr/lib/llvm-20/lib/clang/20 -include /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/config/gcc_hidden.h -include /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/mozilla-config.h -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/stl_wrappers -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/system_wrappers -U _FORTIFY_SOURCE -D _FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -D _GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -D DEBUG=1 -D MOZ_HAS_MOZGLUE -D MOZILLA_INTERNAL_API -D IMPL_LIBXUL -D MOZ_SUPPORT_LEAKCHECKING -D STATIC_EXPORTABLE_JS_API -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/html -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dom/html -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/ipc/ipdl/_ipdlheaders -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/ipc/chromium/src -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/caps -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/docshell/base -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/base -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/canvas -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/html/input -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/security -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/xul -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/image -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/layout/forms -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/layout/generic -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/layout/style -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/layout/tables -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/layout/xul -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/netwerk/base -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/parser/htmlparser -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/third_party/abseil-cpp -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/third_party/libwebrtc -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include/nspr -I /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/obj-x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/dist/include/nss -D MOZILLA_CLIENT -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/x86_64-linux-gnu/c++/14 -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../include/c++/14/backward -internal-isystem /usr/lib/llvm-20/lib/clang/20/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/14/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O2 -Wno-error=tautological-type-limit-compare -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Wno-range-loop-analysis -Wno-deprecated-anon-enum-enum-conversion -Wno-deprecated-enum-enum-conversion -Wno-deprecated-this-capture -Wno-inline-new-delete -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations -Wno-error=array-bounds -Wno-error=free-nonheap-object -Wno-error=atomic-alignment -Wno-error=deprecated-builtins -Wno-psabi -Wno-error=builtin-macro-redefined -Wno-vla-cxx-extension -Wno-unknown-warning-option -fdeprecated-macro -ferror-limit 19 -fstrict-flex-arrays=1 -stack-protector 2 -fstack-clash-protection -ftrivial-auto-var-init=pattern -fno-rtti -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -fno-sized-deallocation -fno-aligned-allocation -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-checker optin.performance.Padding -analyzer-output=html -analyzer-config stable-report-filename=true -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /tmp/scan-build-2025-01-20-090804-167946-1 -x c++ Unified_cpp_dom_html4.cpp
1/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */
3/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7#if !defined(MediaFormatReader_h_)
8# define MediaFormatReader_h_
10# include "FrameStatistics.h"
11# include "MediaDataDemuxer.h"
12# include "MediaEventSource.h"
13# include "MediaMetadataManager.h"
14# include "MediaPromiseDefs.h"
15# include "PlatformDecoderModule.h"
16# include "SeekTarget.h"
17# include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
18# include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
19# include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
20# include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
21# include "mozilla/StateMirroring.h"
22# include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_media.h"
23# include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
24# include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
25# include "mozilla/ThreadSafeWeakPtr.h"
26# include "mozilla/dom/MediaDebugInfoBinding.h"
28namespace mozilla {
30class CDMProxy;
31class GMPCrashHelper;
32class MediaResource;
33class VideoFrameContainer;
35struct WaitForDataRejectValue {
36 enum Reason { SHUTDOWN, CANCELED };
38 WaitForDataRejectValue(MediaData::Type aType, Reason aReason)
39 : mType(aType), mReason(aReason) {}
40 MediaData::Type mType;
41 Reason mReason;
44struct SeekRejectValue {
45 MOZ_IMPLICIT SeekRejectValue(const MediaResult& aError)
46 : mType(MediaData::Type::NULL_DATA), mError(aError) {}
47 MOZ_IMPLICIT SeekRejectValue(nsresult aResult)
48 : mType(MediaData::Type::NULL_DATA), mError(aResult) {}
49 SeekRejectValue(MediaData::Type aType, const MediaResult& aError)
50 : mType(aType), mError(aError) {}
51 MediaData::Type mType;
52 MediaResult mError;
55struct MetadataHolder {
56 UniquePtr<MediaInfo> mInfo;
57 UniquePtr<MetadataTags> mTags;
60using MediaDecoderOwnerID = void*;
62struct MOZ_STACK_CLASS MediaFormatReaderInit {
63 MediaResource* mResource = nullptr;
64 VideoFrameContainer* mVideoFrameContainer = nullptr;
65 FrameStatistics* mFrameStats = nullptr;
66 already_AddRefed<layers::KnowsCompositor> mKnowsCompositor;
67 already_AddRefed<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
68 // Used in bug 1393399 for temporary telemetry.
69 MediaDecoderOwnerID mMediaDecoderOwnerID = nullptr;
70 Maybe<TrackingId> mTrackingId;
73DDLoggedTypeDeclName(MediaFormatReader)class MediaFormatReader; template <> struct DDLoggedTypeTraits
<MediaFormatReader> { using Type = MediaFormatReader; static
constexpr const char* Name() { return "MediaFormatReader"; }
using HasBase = std::false_type; using BaseType = MediaFormatReader
; static constexpr const char* BaseTypeName() { return ""; } }
75class MediaFormatReader final
76 : public SupportsThreadSafeWeakPtr<MediaFormatReader>,
77 public DecoderDoctorLifeLogger<MediaFormatReader> {
78 static const bool IsExclusive = true;
79 using TrackType = TrackInfo::TrackType;
80 using NotifyDataArrivedPromise = MozPromise<bool, MediaResult, IsExclusive>;
82 public:
83 MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_TYPENAME(MediaFormatReader)const char* typeName() const { return "MediaFormatReader"; } size_t
typeSize() const { return sizeof(*this); }
85 using TrackSet = EnumSet<TrackInfo::TrackType>;
86 using MetadataPromise = MozPromise<MetadataHolder, MediaResult, IsExclusive>;
88 template <typename Type>
89 using DataPromise = MozPromise<RefPtr<Type>, MediaResult, IsExclusive>;
90 using AudioDataPromise = DataPromise<AudioData>;
91 using VideoDataPromise = DataPromise<VideoData>;
93 using SeekPromise = MozPromise<media::TimeUnit, SeekRejectValue, IsExclusive>;
95 // Note that, conceptually, WaitForData makes sense in a non-exclusive sense.
96 // But in the current architecture it's only ever used exclusively (by MDSM),
97 // so we mark it that way to verify our assumptions. If you have a use-case
98 // for multiple WaitForData consumers, feel free to flip the exclusivity here.
99 using WaitForDataPromise =
100 MozPromise<MediaData::Type, WaitForDataRejectValue, IsExclusive>;
102 MediaFormatReader(MediaFormatReaderInit& aInit, MediaDataDemuxer* aDemuxer);
103 virtual ~MediaFormatReader();
105 // Initializes the reader, returns NS_OK on success, or NS_ERROR_FAILURE
106 // on failure.
107 nsresult Init();
109 size_t SizeOfVideoQueueInFrames();
110 size_t SizeOfAudioQueueInFrames();
112 // Requests one video sample from the reader.
113 RefPtr<VideoDataPromise> RequestVideoData(
114 const media::TimeUnit& aTimeThreshold,
115 bool aRequestNextVideoKeyFrame = false);
117 // Requests one audio sample from the reader.
118 //
119 // The decode should be performed asynchronously, and the promise should
120 // be resolved when it is complete.
121 RefPtr<AudioDataPromise> RequestAudioData();
123 // The default implementation of AsyncReadMetadata is implemented in terms of
124 // synchronous ReadMetadata() calls. Implementations may also
125 // override AsyncReadMetadata to create a more proper async implementation.
126 RefPtr<MetadataPromise> AsyncReadMetadata();
128 // Fills aInfo with the latest cached data required to present the media,
129 // ReadUpdatedMetadata will always be called once ReadMetadata has succeeded.
130 void ReadUpdatedMetadata(MediaInfo* aInfo);
132 RefPtr<SeekPromise> Seek(const SeekTarget& aTarget);
134 // Called once new data has been cached by the MediaResource.
135 // mBuffered should be recalculated and updated accordingly.
136 void NotifyDataArrived();
138 // Update ID for the external playback engine. Currently it's only used on
139 // Windows when the media engine playback is enabled.
140 void UpdateMediaEngineId(uint64_t aMediaEngineId);
142 // This function will be called if the media key is set before playback
143 // starts, indicating the playback should be encrypted.
144 void SetEncryptedCustomIdent();
146 bool IsEncryptedCustomIdent() const { return mEncryptedCustomIdent; }
148 protected:
149 // Recomputes mBuffered.
150 void UpdateBuffered();
152 public:
153 // Called by MDSM in dormant state to release resources allocated by this
154 // reader. The reader can resume decoding by calling Seek() to a specific
155 // position.
156 void ReleaseResources();
158 bool OnTaskQueue() const { return OwnerThread()->IsCurrentThreadIn(); }
160 // Resets all state related to decoding, emptying all buffers etc.
161 // Cancels all pending Request*Data() request callbacks, rejects any
162 // outstanding seek promises, and flushes the decode pipeline. The
163 // decoder must not call any of the callbacks for outstanding
164 // Request*Data() calls after this is called. Calls to Request*Data()
165 // made after this should be processed as usual.
166 //
167 // Normally this call preceedes a Seek() call, or shutdown.
168 //
169 // aParam is a set of TrackInfo::TrackType enums specifying which
170 // queues need to be reset, defaulting to both audio and video tracks.
171 nsresult ResetDecode(const TrackSet& aTracks);
173 // Destroys the decoding state. The reader cannot be made usable again.
174 // This is different from ReleaseMediaResources() as it is irreversable,
175 // whereas ReleaseMediaResources() is. Must be called on the decode
176 // thread.
177 RefPtr<ShutdownPromise> Shutdown();
179 // Returns true if this decoder reader uses hardware accelerated video
180 // decoding.
181 bool VideoIsHardwareAccelerated() const;
183 // By default, the state machine polls the reader once per second when it's
184 // in buffering mode. Some readers support a promise-based mechanism by which
185 // they notify the state machine when the data arrives.
186 bool IsWaitForDataSupported() const { return true; }
188 RefPtr<WaitForDataPromise> WaitForData(MediaData::Type aType);
190 // The MediaDecoderStateMachine uses various heuristics that assume that
191 // raw media data is arriving sequentially from a network channel. This
192 // makes sense in the <video src="foo"> case, but not for more advanced use
193 // cases like MSE.
194 bool UseBufferingHeuristics() const { return mTrackDemuxersMayBlock; }
196 RefPtr<SetCDMPromise> SetCDMProxy(CDMProxy* aProxy);
198 // Requests that the MediaFormatReader populates aInfo with debug information.
199 // This may be done asynchronously, and aInfo should *not* be accessed by the
200 // caller until the returned promise is resolved or rejected.
201 RefPtr<GenericPromise> RequestDebugInfo(
202 dom::MediaFormatReaderDebugInfo& aInfo);
204 // Switch the video decoder to NullDecoderModule. It might takes effective
205 // since a few samples later depends on how much demuxed samples are already
206 // queued in the original video decoder.
207 void SetVideoNullDecode(bool aIsNullDecode);
209 void UpdateCompositor(already_AddRefed<layers::KnowsCompositor>);
211 void UpdateDuration(const media::TimeUnit& aDuration) {
212 MOZ_ASSERT(OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(OnTaskQueue()))), 0))) { do {
} while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("OnTaskQueue()",
, 212); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 212; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
213 UpdateBuffered();
214 }
216 AbstractCanonical<media::TimeIntervals>* CanonicalBuffered() {
217 return &mBuffered;
218 }
220 TaskQueue* OwnerThread() const { return mTaskQueue; }
222 TimedMetadataEventSource& TimedMetadataEvent() { return mTimedMetadataEvent; }
224 // Notified by the OggDemuxer during playback when chained ogg is detected.
225 MediaEventSource<void>& OnMediaNotSeekable() { return mOnMediaNotSeekable; }
227 TimedMetadataEventProducer& TimedMetadataProducer() {
228 return mTimedMetadataEvent;
229 }
231 MediaEventProducer<void>& MediaNotSeekableProducer() {
232 return mOnMediaNotSeekable;
233 }
235 // Notified if the reader can't decode a sample due to a missing decryption
236 // key.
237 MediaEventSource<TrackInfo::TrackType>& OnTrackWaitingForKey() {
238 return mOnTrackWaitingForKey;
239 }
241 MediaEventProducer<TrackInfo::TrackType>& OnTrackWaitingForKeyProducer() {
242 return mOnTrackWaitingForKey;
243 }
245 MediaEventSource<nsTArray<uint8_t>, nsString>& OnEncrypted() {
246 return mOnEncrypted;
247 }
249 MediaEventSource<void>& OnWaitingForKey() { return mOnWaitingForKey; }
251 MediaEventSource<MediaResult>& OnDecodeWarning() { return mOnDecodeWarning; }
253 MediaEventSource<VideoInfo>& OnStoreDecoderBenchmark() {
254 return mOnStoreDecoderBenchmark;
255 }
257 MediaEventProducer<VideoInfo, AudioInfo>& OnTrackInfoUpdatedEvent() {
258 return mTrackInfoUpdatedEvent;
259 }
261 private:
262 bool HasVideo() const { return mVideo.mTrackDemuxer; }
263 bool HasAudio() const { return mAudio.mTrackDemuxer; }
265 bool IsWaitingOnCDMResource();
267 bool InitDemuxer();
268 // Notify the track demuxers that new data has been received.
269 void NotifyTrackDemuxers();
270 void ReturnOutput(MediaData* aData, TrackType aTrack);
272 // Enqueues a task to call Update(aTrack) on the decoder task queue.
273 // Lock for corresponding track must be held.
274 void ScheduleUpdate(TrackType aTrack);
275 void Update(TrackType aTrack);
276 // Handle actions should more data be received.
277 // Returns true if no more action is required.
278 bool UpdateReceivedNewData(TrackType aTrack);
279 // Called when new samples need to be demuxed.
280 void RequestDemuxSamples(TrackType aTrack);
281 // Handle demuxed samples by the input behavior.
282 void HandleDemuxedSamples(TrackType aTrack,
283 FrameStatistics::AutoNotifyDecoded& aA);
284 // Decode any pending already demuxed samples.
285 void DecodeDemuxedSamples(TrackType aTrack, MediaRawData* aSample);
287 struct InternalSeekTarget {
288 InternalSeekTarget(const media::TimeInterval& aTime, bool aDropTarget)
289 : mTime(aTime),
290 mDropTarget(aDropTarget),
291 mWaiting(false),
292 mHasSeeked(false) {}
294 media::TimeUnit Time() const { return mTime.mStart; }
295 media::TimeUnit EndTime() const { return mTime.mEnd; }
296 bool Contains(const media::TimeUnit& aTime) const {
297 return mTime.Contains(aTime);
298 }
300 media::TimeInterval mTime;
301 bool mDropTarget;
302 // Whether known waiting for more raw packets, either for the random
303 // access point or dependent frames.
304 bool mWaiting;
305 // Whether `MediaTrackDemuxer::Seek()` has found the preceding random
306 // access point.
307 bool mHasSeeked;
308 };
310 // Perform an internal seek to aTime. If aDropTarget is true then
311 // the first sample past the target will be dropped.
312 void InternalSeek(TrackType aTrack, const InternalSeekTarget& aTarget);
313 // Return the end time of the internal seek target if it exists. Otherwise,
314 // return infinity.
315 media::TimeUnit GetInternalSeekTargetEndTime() const;
317 // Drain the current decoder.
318 void DrainDecoder(TrackType aTrack);
319 void NotifyNewOutput(TrackType aTrack,
320 MediaDataDecoder::DecodedData&& aResults);
321 void NotifyError(TrackType aTrack, const MediaResult& aError);
322 void NotifyWaitingForData(TrackType aTrack);
323 void NotifyWaitingForKey(TrackType aTrack);
324 void NotifyEndOfStream(TrackType aTrack);
326 void ExtractCryptoInitData(nsTArray<uint8_t>& aInitData);
328 // Initializes mLayersBackendType if possible.
329 void InitLayersBackendType();
331 void Reset(TrackType aTrack);
332 void DropDecodedSamples(TrackType aTrack);
334 // Return a target timeunit which the reader should skip to, this would be
335 // either the timethreshold we pass, or the time of the next keyframe. Return
336 // nothing if we don't need to skip.
337 // @param aTimeThreshold
338 // The time that we expect the time of next video frame should be or go beyond
339 // @param aRequestNextVideoKeyFrame
340 // If true and the next keyframe's time is larger than aTimeThreshold, skip to
341 // the next keyframe time instead of aTimeThreshold.
342 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> ShouldSkip(media::TimeUnit aTimeThreshold,
343 bool aRequestNextVideoKeyFrame);
345 void SetVideoDecodeThreshold();
347 size_t SizeOfQueue(TrackType aTrack);
349 // Fire a new OnStoreDecoderBenchmark event that will create new
350 // storage of the decoder benchmark.
351 // This is called only on TaskQueue.
352 void NotifyDecoderBenchmarkStore();
354 void NotifyTrackInfoUpdated();
356 enum class DrainState {
357 None,
358 DrainRequested,
359 Draining,
360 PartialDrainPending,
361 DrainCompleted,
362 DrainAborted,
363 };
365 class SharedShutdownPromiseHolder : public MozPromiseHolder<ShutdownPromise> {
366 NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(SharedShutdownPromiseHolder)public: MozExternalRefCountType AddRef(void) { static_assert(
!std::is_destructible_v<SharedShutdownPromiseHolder>, "Reference-counted class "
"SharedShutdownPromiseHolder" " should not have a public destructor. "
"Make this class's destructor non-public"); do { static_assert
( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<decltype(int32_t
(mRefCnt) >= 0)>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0"
" (" "illegal refcnt" ")", "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 366); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0"
") (" "illegal refcnt" ")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) =
366; __attribute__((nomerge)) ::abort(); } while (false); } }
while (false); nsrefcnt count = ++mRefCnt; NS_LogAddRef((this
), (count), ("SharedShutdownPromiseHolder"), (uint32_t)(sizeof
(*this))); return (nsrefcnt)count; } MozExternalRefCountType Release
(void) { do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType
<decltype(int32_t(mRefCnt) > 0)>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(int32_t(mRefCnt) > 0))), 0
))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("int32_t(mRefCnt) > 0"
" (" "dup release" ")", "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 366); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "int32_t(mRefCnt) > 0"
") (" "dup release" ")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 366
; __attribute__((nomerge)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while
(false); nsrefcnt count = --mRefCnt; NS_LogRelease((this), (
count), ("SharedShutdownPromiseHolder")); if (count == 0) { delete
(this); return 0; } return count; } using HasThreadSafeRefCnt
= std::true_type; protected: ::mozilla::ThreadSafeAutoRefCnt
mRefCnt; public:
367 private:
368 ~SharedShutdownPromiseHolder() = default;
369 };
371 struct DecoderData {
Excessive padding in 'struct mozilla::MediaFormatReader::DecoderData' (34 padding bytes, where 2 is optimal). Optimal fields order: mOwner, mTrackDemuxer, mTaskQueue, mDecoder, mDecodePerfRecorder, mSeekRequest, mQueuedSamples, mDemuxRequest, mWaitingPromise, mDecodeRequest, mShutdownPromise, mDrainRequest, mOutput, mNumSamplesInput, mNumSamplesOutput, mNumSamplesOutputTotal, mNumSamplesSkippedTotal, mSizeOfQueue, mOriginalInfo, mWorkingInfo, mInfo, mDescription, mProcessName, mCodecName, mWaitingForDataStartTime, mMeanRate, mFirstFrameTime, mLastTimeRangesEnd, mFirstDemuxedSampleTime, mError, mMutex, mLastDecodedSampleTime, mTimeThreshold, mTimeRanges, mDrainState, mNumOfConsecutiveDecodingError, mMaxConsecutiveDecodingError, mNumOfConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes, mMaxConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes, mNumOfConsecutiveUtilityCrashes, mMaxConsecutiveUtilityCrashes, mIsHardwareAccelerated, mLastStreamSourceID, mNextStreamSourceID, mType, mUpdateScheduled, mDemuxEOS, mWaitingForKey, mReceivedNewData, mFlushing, mFlushed, mIsNullDecode, mHardwareDecodingDisabled, mHasReportedVideoHardwareSupportTelemtry, consider reordering the fields or adding explicit padding members
372 DecoderData(MediaFormatReader* aOwner, MediaData::Type aType,
373 uint32_t aNumOfMaxError)
374 : mOwner(aOwner),
375 mType(aType),
376 mMutex("DecoderData"),
377 mDescription("uninitialized"),
378 mProcessName(""),
379 mCodecName(""),
380 mUpdateScheduled(false),
381 mDemuxEOS(false),
382 mWaitingForDataStartTime(Nothing()),
383 mWaitingForKey(false),
384 mReceivedNewData(false),
385 mFlushing(false),
386 mFlushed(true),
387 mDrainState(DrainState::None),
388 mNumOfConsecutiveDecodingError(0),
389 mMaxConsecutiveDecodingError(aNumOfMaxError),
390 mNumOfConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes(0),
391 mMaxConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes(
392 StaticPrefs::media_rdd_process_max_crashes()),
393 mNumOfConsecutiveUtilityCrashes(0),
394 mMaxConsecutiveUtilityCrashes(
395 StaticPrefs::media_utility_process_max_crashes()),
396 mFirstFrameTime(Some(media::TimeUnit::Zero())),
397 mNumSamplesInput(0),
398 mNumSamplesOutput(0),
399 mNumSamplesOutputTotal(0),
400 mNumSamplesSkippedTotal(0),
401 mSizeOfQueue(0),
402 mIsHardwareAccelerated(false),
403 mLastStreamSourceID(UINT32_MAX(4294967295U)),
404 mIsNullDecode(false),
405 mHardwareDecodingDisabled(false) {
406 DecoderDoctorLogger::LogConstruction("MediaFormatReader::DecoderData",
407 this);
408 }
410 ~DecoderData() {
411 DecoderDoctorLogger::LogDestruction("MediaFormatReader::DecoderData",
412 this);
413 }
415 MediaFormatReader* mOwner;
416 // Disambiguate Audio vs Video.
417 MediaData::Type mType;
418 RefPtr<MediaTrackDemuxer> mTrackDemuxer;
419 // TaskQueue on which decoder can choose to decode.
420 // Only non-null up until the decoder is created.
421 RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
423 // Mutex protecting mDescription, mDecoder, mTrackDemuxer, mWorkingInfo,
424 // mProcessName and mCodecName as those can be read outside the TaskQueue.
425 // They are only written on the TaskQueue however, as such mMutex doesn't
426 // need to be held when those members are read on the TaskQueue.
427 Mutex mMutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
428 // The platform decoder.
429 RefPtr<MediaDataDecoder> mDecoder;
430 nsCString mDescription;
431 nsCString mProcessName;
432 nsCString mCodecName;
433 void ShutdownDecoder();
435 // Only accessed from reader's task queue.
436 bool mUpdateScheduled;
437 bool mDemuxEOS;
438 Maybe<TimeStamp> mWaitingForDataStartTime;
439 bool mWaitingForKey;
440 bool mReceivedNewData;
441 UniquePtr<PerformanceRecorderMulti<PlaybackStage>> mDecodePerfRecorder;
443 // Pending seek.
444 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaTrackDemuxer::SeekPromise> mSeekRequest;
446 // Queued demuxed samples waiting to be decoded.
447 nsTArray<RefPtr<MediaRawData>> mQueuedSamples;
448 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaTrackDemuxer::SamplesPromise> mDemuxRequest;
449 // A WaitingPromise is pending if the demuxer is waiting for data or
450 // if the decoder is waiting for a key.
451 MozPromiseHolder<WaitForDataPromise> mWaitingPromise;
452 bool HasWaitingPromise() const {
453 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 453); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 453; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
454 return !mWaitingPromise.IsEmpty();
455 }
457 bool IsWaitingForData() const {
458 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 458); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 458; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
459 return !!mWaitingForDataStartTime;
460 }
462 bool IsWaitingForKey() const {
463 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 463); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 463; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
464 return mWaitingForKey && mDecodeRequest.Exists();
465 }
467 // MediaDataDecoder handler's variables.
468 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> mDecodeRequest;
469 bool mFlushing; // True if flush is in action.
470 // Set to true if the last operation run on the decoder was a flush.
471 bool mFlushed;
472 RefPtr<SharedShutdownPromiseHolder> mShutdownPromise;
474 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaDataDecoder::DecodePromise> mDrainRequest;
475 DrainState mDrainState;
476 bool HasPendingDrain() const { return mDrainState != DrainState::None; }
477 bool HasCompletedDrain() const {
478 return mDrainState == DrainState::DrainCompleted ||
479 mDrainState == DrainState::DrainAborted;
480 }
481 void RequestDrain() {
482 MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(mDrainState == DrainState::None)do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mDrainState == DrainState::None)>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mDrainState == DrainState::None
))), 0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure(
"mDrainState == DrainState::None", "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 482); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT" "(" "mDrainState == DrainState::None"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 482; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
483 mDrainState = DrainState::DrainRequested;
484 }
486 void StartRecordDecodingPerf(const TrackType aTrack,
487 const MediaRawData* aSample);
489 // Track decoding error and fail when we hit the limit.
490 uint32_t mNumOfConsecutiveDecodingError;
491 uint32_t mMaxConsecutiveDecodingError;
493 // Track RDD or GPU process crashes and fail when we hit the limit.
494 uint32_t mNumOfConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes;
495 uint32_t mMaxConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes;
497 // Track Utility process crashes and fail when we hit the limit.
498 uint32_t mNumOfConsecutiveUtilityCrashes;
499 uint32_t mMaxConsecutiveUtilityCrashes;
501 // Set when we haven't yet decoded the first frame.
502 // Cleared once the first frame has been decoded.
503 // This is used to determine, upon error, if we should try again to decode
504 // the frame, or skip to the next keyframe.
505 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> mFirstFrameTime;
507 Maybe<MediaResult> mError;
508 bool HasFatalError() const {
509 if (!mError.isSome()) {
510 return false;
511 }
512 if (mError.ref() == NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR) {
513 // Allow decode errors to be non-fatal, but give up
514 // if we have too many, or if warnings should be treated as errors.
515 return mNumOfConsecutiveDecodingError > mMaxConsecutiveDecodingError ||
516 StaticPrefs::media_playback_warnings_as_errors();
517 }
518 if (mError.ref() == NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_NEED_NEW_DECODER) {
519 // If the caller asked for a new decoder we shouldn't treat
520 // it as fatal.
521 return false;
522 }
523 if (mError.ref() ==
525 // Allow RDD crashes to be non-fatal, but give up
526 // if we have too many, or if warnings should be treated as errors.
527 return mNumOfConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes >
528 mMaxConsecutiveRDDOrGPUCrashes ||
529 StaticPrefs::media_playback_warnings_as_errors();
530 }
531 if (mError.ref() ==
533 bool tooManyConsecutiveCrashes =
534 mNumOfConsecutiveUtilityCrashes > mMaxConsecutiveUtilityCrashes;
535 // TODO: Telemetry?
536 return tooManyConsecutiveCrashes ||
537 StaticPrefs::media_playback_warnings_as_errors();
538 }
539 if (mError.ref() ==
541 return false;
542 }
543 // All other error types are fatal
544 return true;
545 }
547 // If set, all decoded samples prior mTimeThreshold will be dropped.
548 // Used for internal seeking when a change of stream is detected or when
549 // encountering data discontinuity.
550 Maybe<InternalSeekTarget> mTimeThreshold;
551 // Time of last decoded sample returned.
552 Maybe<media::TimeInterval> mLastDecodedSampleTime;
554 // Decoded samples returned my mDecoder awaiting being returned to
555 // state machine upon request.
556 nsTArray<RefPtr<MediaData>> mOutput;
557 uint64_t mNumSamplesInput;
558 uint64_t mNumSamplesOutput;
559 uint64_t mNumSamplesOutputTotal;
560 uint64_t mNumSamplesSkippedTotal;
562 // These get overridden in the templated concrete class.
563 // Indicate if we have a pending promise for decoded frame.
564 // Rejecting the promise will stop the reader from decoding ahead.
565 virtual bool HasPromise() const = 0;
566 virtual void RejectPromise(const MediaResult& aError,
567 StaticString aMethodName) = 0;
569 // Clear track demuxer related data.
570 void ResetDemuxer() {
571 mDemuxRequest.DisconnectIfExists();
572 mSeekRequest.DisconnectIfExists();
573 mTrackDemuxer->Reset();
574 mQueuedSamples.Clear();
575 }
577 // Flush the decoder if present and reset decoding related data.
578 // Following a flush, the decoder is ready to accept any new data.
579 void Flush();
581 bool CancelWaitingForKey() {
582 if (!mWaitingForKey) {
583 return false;
584 }
585 mWaitingForKey = false;
586 if (IsWaitingForData() || !HasWaitingPromise()) {
587 return false;
588 }
589 mWaitingPromise.Resolve(mType, __func__);
590 return true;
591 }
593 // Reset the state of the DecoderData, clearing all queued frames
594 // (pending demuxed and decoded).
595 // The track demuxer is *not* reset.
596 void ResetState() {
597 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 597); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 597; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
598 mDemuxEOS = false;
599 mWaitingForDataStartTime.reset();
600 mQueuedSamples.Clear();
601 mDecodeRequest.DisconnectIfExists();
602 mDrainRequest.DisconnectIfExists();
603 mDrainState = DrainState::None;
604 CancelWaitingForKey();
605 mTimeThreshold.reset();
606 mLastDecodedSampleTime.reset();
607 mOutput.Clear();
608 mNumSamplesInput = 0;
609 mNumSamplesOutput = 0;
610 mSizeOfQueue = 0;
611 mNextStreamSourceID.reset();
612 if (!HasFatalError()) {
613 mError.reset();
614 }
615 }
617 // Return whether an InternalSeek() has been requested but has not yet
618 // seeked to the random access point preceding that target.
619 bool HasInternalSeekPending() const {
620 return mTimeThreshold && !mTimeThreshold.ref().mHasSeeked;
621 }
623 // Return the current TrackInfo in the stream. If the stream content never
624 // changed since AsyncReadMetadata was called then the TrackInfo used is
625 // mOriginalInfo, other it will be mInfo. The later case is only ever true
626 // with MSE or the WebMDemuxer.
627 const TrackInfo* GetCurrentInfo() const {
628 if (mInfo) {
629 return *mInfo;
630 }
631 return mOriginalInfo.get();
632 }
633 // Return the current TrackInfo updated as per the decoder output.
634 // Typically for audio, the number of channels and/or sampling rate can vary
635 // between what was found in the metadata and what the decoder returned.
636 const TrackInfo* GetWorkingInfo() const { return mWorkingInfo.get(); }
637 bool IsEncrypted() const { return GetCurrentInfo()->mCrypto.IsEncrypted(); }
639 // Used by the MDSM for logging purposes.
640 Atomic<size_t> mSizeOfQueue;
641 // Used by the MDSM to determine if video decoding is hardware accelerated.
642 // This value is updated after a frame is successfully decoded.
643 Atomic<bool> mIsHardwareAccelerated;
644 // Sample format monitoring.
645 uint32_t mLastStreamSourceID;
646 Maybe<uint32_t> mNextStreamSourceID;
647 media::TimeIntervals mTimeRanges;
648 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> mLastTimeRangesEnd;
649 // TrackInfo as first discovered during ReadMetadata.
650 UniquePtr<TrackInfo> mOriginalInfo;
651 // Written exclusively on the TaskQueue, can be read on MDSM's TaskQueue.
652 // Must be read with parent's mutex held.
653 UniquePtr<TrackInfo> mWorkingInfo;
654 RefPtr<TrackInfoSharedPtr> mInfo;
655 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> mFirstDemuxedSampleTime;
656 // Use NullDecoderModule or not.
657 bool mIsNullDecode;
658 bool mHardwareDecodingDisabled;
659 // Whether we have reported hardware decoding support for video. Used only
660 // on reader's task queue,
661 bool mHasReportedVideoHardwareSupportTelemtry = false;
663 class {
664 public:
665 float Mean() const { return mMean; }
667 void Update(const media::TimeUnit& aValue) {
668 if (aValue == media::TimeUnit::Zero()) {
669 return;
670 }
671 mMean += static_cast<float>((1.0f / aValue.ToSeconds() - mMean) /
672 static_cast<double>(++mCount));
673 }
675 void Reset() {
676 mMean = 0;
677 mCount = 0;
678 }
680 private:
681 float mMean = 0;
682 uint64_t mCount = 0;
683 } mMeanRate;
684 };
686 template <typename Type>
687 class DecoderDataWithPromise : public DecoderData {
688 public:
689 DecoderDataWithPromise(MediaFormatReader* aOwner, MediaData::Type aType,
690 uint32_t aNumOfMaxError)
691 : DecoderData(aOwner, aType, aNumOfMaxError), mHasPromise(false) {
692 DecoderDoctorLogger::LogConstructionAndBase(
693 "MediaFormatReader::DecoderDataWithPromise", this,
694 "MediaFormatReader::DecoderData",
695 static_cast<const MediaFormatReader::DecoderData*>(this));
696 }
698 ~DecoderDataWithPromise() {
699 DecoderDoctorLogger::LogDestruction(
700 "MediaFormatReader::DecoderDataWithPromise", this);
701 }
703 bool HasPromise() const override { return mHasPromise; }
705 RefPtr<DataPromise<Type>> EnsurePromise(StaticString aMethodName) {
706 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 706); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 706; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
707 mHasPromise = true;
708 return mPromise.Ensure(aMethodName);
709 }
711 void ResolvePromise(Type* aData, StaticString aMethodName) {
712 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 712); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 712; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
713 mPromise.Resolve(aData, aMethodName);
714 mHasPromise = false;
715 }
717 void RejectPromise(const MediaResult& aError,
718 StaticString aMethodName) override {
719 MOZ_ASSERT(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())do { static_assert( mozilla::detail::AssertionConditionType<
decltype(mOwner->OnTaskQueue())>::isValid, "invalid assertion condition"
); if ((__builtin_expect(!!(!(!!(mOwner->OnTaskQueue()))),
0))) { do { } while (false); MOZ_ReportAssertionFailure("mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
, "/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/firefox-scan-build/dom/media/MediaFormatReader.h"
, 719); AnnotateMozCrashReason("MOZ_ASSERT" "(" "mOwner->OnTaskQueue()"
")"); do { *((volatile int*)__null) = 719; __attribute__((nomerge
)) ::abort(); } while (false); } } while (false)
720 mPromise.Reject(aError, aMethodName);
721 mHasPromise = false;
722 }
724 private:
725 MozPromiseHolder<DataPromise<Type>> mPromise;
726 Atomic<bool> mHasPromise;
727 };
729 // Decode task queue.
730 RefPtr<TaskQueue> mTaskQueue;
732 DecoderDataWithPromise<AudioData> mAudio;
733 DecoderDataWithPromise<VideoData> mVideo;
735 Watchable<bool> mWorkingInfoChanged;
736 WatchManager<MediaFormatReader> mWatchManager;
737 bool mIsWatchingWorkingInfo;
739 // Returns true when the decoder for this track needs input.
740 bool NeedInput(DecoderData& aDecoder);
742 DecoderData& GetDecoderData(TrackType aTrack);
744 // Demuxer objects.
745 class DemuxerProxy;
746 UniquePtr<DemuxerProxy> mDemuxer;
747 bool mDemuxerInitDone;
748 void OnDemuxerInitDone(const MediaResult& aResult);
749 void OnDemuxerInitFailed(const MediaResult& aError);
750 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaDataDemuxer::InitPromise> mDemuxerInitRequest;
751 MozPromiseRequestHolder<NotifyDataArrivedPromise> mNotifyDataArrivedPromise;
752 bool mPendingNotifyDataArrived;
753 void OnDemuxFailed(TrackType aTrack, const MediaResult& aError);
755 void DoDemuxVideo();
756 void OnVideoDemuxCompleted(
757 const RefPtr<MediaTrackDemuxer::SamplesHolder>& aSamples);
758 void OnVideoDemuxFailed(const MediaResult& aError) {
759 OnDemuxFailed(TrackType::kVideoTrack, aError);
760 }
762 void DoDemuxAudio();
763 void OnAudioDemuxCompleted(
764 const RefPtr<MediaTrackDemuxer::SamplesHolder>& aSamples);
765 void OnAudioDemuxFailed(const MediaResult& aError) {
766 OnDemuxFailed(TrackType::kAudioTrack, aError);
767 }
769 void SkipVideoDemuxToNextKeyFrame(media::TimeUnit aTimeThreshold);
770 MozPromiseRequestHolder<MediaTrackDemuxer::SkipAccessPointPromise>
771 mSkipRequest;
772 void VideoSkipReset(uint32_t aSkipped);
773 void OnVideoSkipCompleted(uint32_t aSkipped);
774 void OnVideoSkipFailed(MediaTrackDemuxer::SkipFailureHolder aFailure);
776 // The last number of decoded output frames that we've reported to
777 // MediaDecoder::NotifyDecoded(). We diff the number of output video
778 // frames every time that DecodeVideoData() is called, and report the
779 // delta there.
780 uint64_t mLastReportedNumDecodedFrames;
782 // Timestamp of the previous decoded video keyframe, in microseconds.
783 int64_t mPreviousDecodedKeyframeTime_us;
784 // Default mLastDecodedKeyframeTime_us value, must be bigger than anything.
785 static const int64_t sNoPreviousDecodedKeyframe = INT64_MAX(9223372036854775807L);
787 RefPtr<layers::KnowsCompositor> mKnowsCompositor;
789 // Metadata objects
790 // True if we've read the streams' metadata.
791 bool mInitDone;
792 MozPromiseHolder<MetadataPromise> mMetadataPromise;
793 bool IsEncrypted() const;
795 // Set to true if any of our track buffers may be blocking.
796 bool mTrackDemuxersMayBlock;
798 // Seeking objects.
799 void SetSeekTarget(const SeekTarget& aTarget);
800 bool IsSeeking() const { return mPendingSeekTime.isSome(); }
801 bool IsVideoOnlySeeking() const {
802 return IsSeeking() && mOriginalSeekTarget.IsVideoOnly();
803 }
804 bool IsAudioOnlySeeking() const {
805 return IsSeeking() && mOriginalSeekTarget.IsAudioOnly();
806 }
807 void ScheduleSeek();
808 void AttemptSeek();
809 void OnSeekFailed(TrackType aTrack, const MediaResult& aError);
810 void DoVideoSeek();
811 void OnVideoSeekCompleted(media::TimeUnit aTime);
812 void OnVideoSeekFailed(const MediaResult& aError);
813 bool mSeekScheduled;
815 void DoAudioSeek();
816 void OnAudioSeekCompleted(media::TimeUnit aTime);
817 void OnAudioSeekFailed(const MediaResult& aError);
818 // The SeekTarget that was last given to Seek()
819 SeekTarget mOriginalSeekTarget;
820 // Temporary seek information while we wait for the data
821 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> mFallbackSeekTime;
822 Maybe<media::TimeUnit> mPendingSeekTime;
823 MozPromiseHolder<SeekPromise> mSeekPromise;
825 RefPtr<VideoFrameContainer> mVideoFrameContainer;
826 layers::ImageContainer* GetImageContainer();
828 RefPtr<CDMProxy> mCDMProxy;
830 RefPtr<GMPCrashHelper> mCrashHelper;
832 void SetNullDecode(TrackType aTrack, bool aIsNullDecode);
834 class DecoderFactory;
835 UniquePtr<DecoderFactory> mDecoderFactory;
837 class ShutdownPromisePool;
838 UniquePtr<ShutdownPromisePool> mShutdownPromisePool;
840 MediaEventListener mOnTrackWaitingForKeyListener;
842 void OnFirstDemuxCompleted(
843 TrackInfo::TrackType aType,
844 const RefPtr<MediaTrackDemuxer::SamplesHolder>& aSamples);
846 void OnFirstDemuxFailed(TrackInfo::TrackType aType,
847 const MediaResult& aError);
849 void MaybeResolveMetadataPromise();
851 // Stores presentation info required for playback.
852 MediaInfo mInfo;
854 UniquePtr<MetadataTags> mTags;
856 // A flag indicating if the start time is known or not.
857 bool mHasStartTime = false;
859 void ShutdownDecoder(TrackType aTrack);
860 RefPtr<ShutdownPromise> TearDownDecoders();
862 bool mShutdown = false;
864 // Buffered range.
865 Canonical<media::TimeIntervals> mBuffered;
867 // Used to send TimedMetadata to the listener.
868 TimedMetadataEventProducer mTimedMetadataEvent;
870 // Notify if this media is not seekable.
871 MediaEventProducer<void> mOnMediaNotSeekable;
873 // Notify if we are waiting for a decryption key.
874 MediaEventProducer<TrackInfo::TrackType> mOnTrackWaitingForKey;
876 MediaEventProducer<nsTArray<uint8_t>, nsString> mOnEncrypted;
878 MediaEventProducer<void> mOnWaitingForKey;
880 MediaEventProducer<MediaResult> mOnDecodeWarning;
882 MediaEventProducer<VideoInfo> mOnStoreDecoderBenchmark;
884 MediaEventProducer<VideoInfo, AudioInfo> mTrackInfoUpdatedEvent;
886 RefPtr<FrameStatistics> mFrameStats;
888 // Used in bug 1393399 for telemetry.
889 const MediaDecoderOwnerID mMediaDecoderOwnerID;
891 bool ResolveSetCDMPromiseIfDone(TrackType aTrack);
892 void PrepareToSetCDMForTrack(TrackType aTrack);
893 MozPromiseHolder<SetCDMPromise> mSetCDMPromise;
894 TrackSet mSetCDMForTracks{};
895 bool IsDecoderWaitingForCDM(TrackType aTrack);
897 void GetDebugInfo(dom::MediaFormatReaderDebugInfo& aInfo);
899 // Only be used on Windows when the media engine playback is enabled.
900 Maybe<uint64_t> mMediaEngineId;
902 const Maybe<TrackingId> mTrackingId;
904 // The start time of reading the metdata and how long does it take. This
905 // measurement includes the time of downloading media resource over the
906 // internet.
907 Maybe<TimeStamp> mReadMetadataStartTime;
908 TimeDuration mReadMetaDataTime;
910 // The total amount of time we have been waiting for the video data due to
911 // lacking of data.
912 TimeDuration mTotalWaitingForVideoDataTime;
914 // https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/issues/251#issuecomment-819783073
915 // Treat playback as encrypted if the media key is set before playback starts,
916 // this allows websites to start with non-encrypted stream and switch to
917 // encrypted stream later.
918 Atomic<bool> mEncryptedCustomIdent;
921} // namespace mozilla